

there is something about sundays.

maybe it's that my alarm isn't set or that i get to celebrate with my brothas and sistas up at austin high. maybe it's that on a typical sunday i will find myself nesting on the mozart's patio with The Good Book {or a good book} and a bottomless cup of joe; or that there's a good chance at some-point i will be running barefoot across zilker playing ultimate frisbee or walking around townlake with a precious friend chatting about life and lessons we are being taught by our gracious, steadfast Rabbi.

yes, it's each of these reasons why, when saturday night rolls around, i nuzzle under my comforter and find joy knowing that the next 24 hours will be

full of soul rest.
full of soul restoration.
full of soul remembrance.

{why yes, i would love to elaborate. thanks for asking}

::soul rest:: sleeping in past eight a.m. and waking to the soft rays of sunshine that stream through my window. greeting men and women who are seeking Truth. sitting and letting my heart bathe in fresh mercies of His love. hearing about what's going on in my friends' lives. sharing with friends what's going on in mine. realizing that while we're living different stories, we're able to bear one another's burdens, empathize and encourage one another by the grace of God.

::soul restoration:: celebrating in song and study with my ascc family. hearing Truth proclaimed. retreating with my Beloved. reading His word, His story, His promises. spending time with friends in sunshine. exercising. running barefoot in grass. not being confined by fluorescent lighting. gazing at clouds. watching the waters of lake austin ripple and sway. petting puppies. hugs from friends. seeing aaron ivey bounce as he worships. eating at wholefoods. chasing butterflies.

::soul remembrance:: the lyrics of the songs and the meat of the sermon at ascc. being reminded of my depravity and the depth from which He rescued me. remembering His promises. remembering His faithfulness. remembering His steadfastness. remembering that without my Savior, my Redeemer, my Healer; without Him i am only a slave to destruction and sin. but praise be to the One, the Risen Son of God, that He has rescued me and pulled me out of the pit of my own sin. talking to my mom and dad. remembering and catching up with old friends.


on sundays my soul is at rest.
on sundays my soul is restored.
on sundays my soul remembers Life.

yes. sundays are a day of deep soul rejoicing.