growing up i used to fall up (yes, up) these tile stairs at my house. it would hurt so bad because 1. they were tile and 2. i'd typically be running up them when i'd fall cause let's face it, i'm a bit of an energetic person. when i would fall my mom was never far behind with open arms and some t.l.c. (tender lovin' care).
for some reason the image of crying in my mom's arms has been coming up in my mind allot lately. as these memories come, i'm hit with the thought that in those moments, my mom probably never felt more loved and needed. those moments in which i would just nuzzle into her lap and weep are now tender times of intimacy that i share with very, very few people.
i can't help but think of how when we are hurting-when we are hurting from the pain of our most recent fall-that God is there longing to be the One who holds us as we cry and work through the momentary pain. He yearns for us draw near to Him, to be still before Him and just let His truth set us free from the anxiety and fear that enslaves us (john 8:32).
isaiah 26:3 tells us that God will keep us in perfect peace when our minds are steadfast on Him and trusting Him. i need to be reminded of this so much. i know that the only eternal source of comfort, life, hope and joy is Christ, yet i often try and fill my longings with temporary things like relationships, business, food, control, etc...
but He is still there. calling to me out of my position of pain into the lap of His loving comfort and eternal peace that surpasses all understanding.
run to Him.
run to Him.
run to Him.
run to Him for He alone can comfort, no matter the hurt.